Q20: Can you think of any additional services or programs that AOG should consider undertaking?

Previous Question Next Question
Most graduates who responded to the survey did not offer any additional services or programs that they would like to see AOG undertake.  Only 10% offered such.
of Respondents
See list below
Total Processed: 5158
In general, the comments for expanded services included ways of supporting grads--through communications, transition assistance, networking, and representation on important issues.  Graduates were most interested that AOG consider, or improve, services in 3 Areas: Communication, Job Finding and Supporting Grads. These 3 areas account for 61.48% of all comments reviewed. The following comments have been categorized in the following manner:
General Category 
of Comments
Supporting grads
Job-finding assistance
Critical/complementary comments
Training grads
Public relations
Represent grads
Post death assistance
AOG fund-raising suggestions
USMA comments
AOG gift shop suggestions
Total comments:
Next Question

The following are the raw comments collected for this survey question.  The numbers serve only to identify the comment for this question and do not serve any other identification purpose:

[001]  Consider putting the Register on CD-ROM.

[002]  A service to keep widows (and soon, widowers) as involved as they may wish to be. They should not be forgotten upon the death of the graduate.

[003]  USMA graduate resume' books/CD-ROMs. Web-site networking capability. i.e. an on-line SABRD, but just for USMA.

[004]  No comment

[005]  To expound on the idea of using grads' services if possible, which results in a commission going back to USMA, I think this program concept could be expanded to include a lot of other grads' business or services. For example, I own/operate an Apple Macintosh mailorder business...we sell over $2,000,000 a year in Mac equipment around the US. We would be happy to offer a standing commission of some amount to be agreed-upon that would be donated back to USMA for grad purchases. Conceptually, you could set up and publish a directory (could be web-based to save start-up costs) that highlighted services & products of grad-owned companies around the world...and with mention of some "code" or announcement that the caller/buyer was a grad, this would initiate the commission. To further personalize this, you might allow the BUYER to DIRECT his donation amount by the donating/participating company to a spcific class fund. I don't necessariy use the AOG-sponsored relocation service, nor like LDDS that much fro my lng distance choice, but if a master listing of services and products around the US were avalable to, I would make a strong attempt to utilize the services of my fellow grads, ESPECIALLY if my purchase then resulted in a commission going back to AOG...and EVEN MORESO if I could direct it back to my class of '82 fund. Why wouldn't I use such a service ? So...the core concept is already in place as seen by AOG's relationship with relocation companies, LDDS, a certain travel agency, etc. I feel like this idea has great merit and should be opened up to a larger audiebnce, both on the company/vendor side, as well as to the Graduate audience as well.

[006]  see my previous comment on the job list

[007]  Please re-look the discounts on services that are being offered to grads. Often, I can find better deals offered by my credit cards, other Associations, USAA, or direct-mail coupons. Each time I rent a car, I run the AOG membership by the agency only to find that I can consistently find a better deal elsewhere. This feedback should find its way back to whoever negotiates on behalf of the AOG.

[008]  Perhaps a job line would be helpful. Members could post available jobs they know of, and other members can search. Along these same lines, volunteers who have transitioned to civilian life could offer advice to other members about to make the transition.

[009]  Permanent EMAIL accounts

[010]  Attract more visitors to your web site by publishing old photograps from the archives, like Kennedy at 62 graduation, or McArthur last speech etc.

[011]  Ensure that cadets understand the mission of AOG BEFORE graduation - early on in their cadet careers, so that they will actively support AOG.

[012]  Consider sponsoring an annual weekend retreat for grads only (no spouses) that would focus on self improvement/motivation. (similar to the motivational seminars that are showing up in most major cities) It could serve as a reenergizing of the ideals that make us unique as WP grads. If properly executed, this could be a great experience for us, as well as an excellent oportunity for the AOG to highlight their goals. Not to get too far off the deep end with this idea, but it could almost be like the promise keepers with a Duty, Honor, Country theme.

[013]  With the cost and time to send out the local society information etc by mail to their members increasing it may soon be feasible & cheaper for the AOG to use E-mail input from the local society to print its bulletion and mail same from a central location. ie. economy of scale.

[014]  Guard and Reserve career advise/assistance greatly expanded career transition services more purely social activities geared to the increasingly younger graduate.

[015]  Support USMA graduates that are actively attempting to recruit.

[016]  I realize that anyone on active duty, wearing the uniform etc. can not politicize, but the military needs more support to develope a lifetime career package that will be an incentive for a military career. WP represents the start of a career and the total lifetime aspects of a career by rights need to be laid out for young people. Right now the military can not beat other careers as a profession in my opinion. I think support of the Military Coalition would be appropriate.

[017]  Estate Planning Assistance Cheritable Trust Establishment Assistance

[018]  An open list of how we would like to be contacted commercially and in what contexts that contact is welcome. Possibly a standard header at the start of each message so it can be sorted by mail reading programs. First and second lines something like: Source: West Point, AOG, Open List Purpose: to buy or sell something

[019]  maybe a little more information on where we can direct money; like, where do YOU need it, or if I designate the Glee Club, which "Fund" should I contribute to -- Supe's? General? Annual?

[020]  I think the AOG might consider prescribing a minimum amount of activities that a local society must do in order to maintain its good standing. The current society in the Triangle (Raleigh, Durham, CHapel Hill North Carolina) is extremely weak but it precludes the formation of a stronger chapter.

[021]  Civilian Job Placement/Recruiting


[023]  How about their own credit union? This could pour in a lot of money from grads. It could be a way to help grads and pool money for USMA more easily under one institution.

[024]  see item 17

[025]  incorporate minority affairs into the program

[026]  see above

[027]  No, at this time, at least.

[028]  see 19

[029]  More publicity with the younger generation.

[030]  See answer to 19; AOG should be competitive with other organizations offering similar services.

[031]  Provide a global list of West Point chapters via the internet (ie who's the POC in Thailand, for example)? Make the Assembly available over the internet for those who's regular mail is unreliable

[032]  All of these services require people that require salaries and office space. I can get equivalent discounts from other places. Perhaps travelling with other westpointers would be worth supporting some salary. But I have no use for most of the list.

[033]  With more and more people and services online, how about striking a deal with a nationwide Internet service provider for reduced access.


[035]  group insurance (health)

[036]  See earlier paragraph.

[037]  Add a civilian job search net work system like TROA has.

[038]  Entrepreneurial Networking/Funding

[039]  How about group rates with Internet Access Providers?

[040]  Job assistance/headhunter assistance

[041]  Cut most of the services then you can cut some of the staff. Take the money saved and apply to "welfare" of USMA.

[042]  Training for those of us who would like to help in the admissions process.

[043]  See above -- provide graduates that move a list of grads in the area

[044]  Job Referral Assistance getting sons or daughters into WP Visitor Housing - eg. as part of Alumni Center Building a Conference Center

[045]  See above.

[046]  Whatever

[047]  Continue to improve career transition and employment opportunity programs.

[048]  I'd like to see some greater concern and possibly special services available for disabled graduates. West Point is still a rather unfriendly place for persons with mobility impairments.

[049]  See 16. AOG members need more information, especially on RA Commission issue. Tpe of info--congressional proposals, actions, publications. media coverage, USMA actions, DOD position, etc.

[050]  Represent graduates views in the political arena

[051]  I have no problem with the services provided if there is no net cost to the AOG. That is, if one service brings in some revenue then that could be applied to a service that creates a loss. The AOG stick to it's mission and not be too side tracked with little niceties.

[052]  Our class has had difficulty locating members of the class who have "dropped out of sight/contact." We have not known of the death in one or two cases. Nor have we been able to locate a classmate or survivors to write an obituary for the Assembly, etc. What can AOG do to help?

[053]  see 17

[054]  I went to the '97 Army Navy game and greatly enjoyed the tailgate - great job! It went off without a hitch once I got in the door, but getting the tickets was a nightmare. I was organizing a company reunion at the same time I was trying to raise money for USMA. When classmates couldn't get in, couldn't get phone calls returned, didn't have e-mails returned - even though they had started asking in September, they got upset. Fortunately, we were able to buy some tickets at the door. Communication was terrible. We need to do those things right if we want to keep people committed.

[055]  If there is a way to undertake projects such as those I have listed in item #17 above I think it would benefit USMA and be good for the AOG. I recognize that the services now being accomplished are necessary and similar to most large academic institutions but I think West Point needs help right now and the AOG may be a useful organization in that respect.

[056]  More outreach to inner city technical schools and students and prior service soldiers (especially hispanic and other minorities).

[057]  Increase class support staff.

[058]  I'd like to see a courtesy shuttle available for graduates on home football days.

[059]  Assistance for surviving spouses of deceased graduates.

[060]  support regular army commissioning in the combat arms

[061]  See my comment in #17 above.

[062]  job hunting./ networking

[063]  I would like to have know about these. I knew of very few of them.

[064]  No, just keep graduates more informed of the services. I was not aware of many of these, particulary the 800 number to the AOG.

[065]  Support to active duty military;increase involvement of younger graduates; examine affiliate relationships with other like alumni associations that might be willing to share benefits and priviledges such as that between Army-Navy Club and the Harvard Club; get out the word and help encourage attendance at away Army sports and other events.

[066]  Provide sperm bank for cadets prior to graduation as protection against future exposure to CBR threats to reproductive capabilities as in Gulf War.

[067]  Selection of an Ombudsman to filter and coordinate graduates (members) concerns with the AOG. It is my opinion that graduates opinions, for the most part are not being considered at the present time.


[069]  A locator service for former cadets to help find lost friends who were cadets but did not graduate.

[070]  Mentoring program for current cadets and graduates.

[071]  Recruiting best candidates Sponsoring activities/events to train cadets if govt funds are short

[072]  Enhance career advisory role. Greater networking is needed.

[073]  Job bank or employment assistance like the Wp-forum currently does

[074]  Ex-cadet locator system would be appreciated.

[075]  Increased lobbying activity (in conjunction with AUSA) to preserve USMA federal funding.

[076]  More electronic interaction Discount hardware and software Discount internet service via SPRINT, AT&T etc. West Point clothing at discount Mall stores like Notre Dame, Michigan etc do.

[077]  See above

[078]  Better support of class reunions. Hotel Thayer should be reserved for reunion classes which have their reunions on weekends other than Homecoming Weekend.

[079]  Capital spending plan that would coordinate class gift efforts. This should not include excessive focus on athletic facilities, which seem to be the Academy's main focus at the moment, but things that add to the Academy's unique character and student resources (e.g. the Constitution Island effort).

[080]  Possibly do a informational/fund-raising tour around the country to major metropolitan areas to maintain contact with graduates away from the eastern seaboard and incrase fund-raising activities; Not being sure who is on the board of trustee's, I would suggest that you have another organization, such as an alumni council that has representation on it from a group of classes to ensure decisionmaking is including the views of recent as well as older graduates. Something whereby each group of five year classes has two-three representatives on the council to meet periodically.

[081]  see previous

[082]  Provide a way for graduates to easily communicate about potential business issues, opportunities, etc.

[083]  Give us address/email access to the list of Local Societies officers so we can establish contact with them and find out who in the local area we know, especially when we move into a new area and are either job searching or looking for friends and USMA contacts.

[084]  Provide the HQ function coordinating and supporting the various "West Point Societies" in cities across the US/world. Currently there is little coordination between these groups

[085]  I would like a club like facility availabe to alumni in New York City and/or Washington DC.

[086]  I need to investigate "News You Can Use" to determine if it does what I requested in question 17 of giving USMA football scores, admissions statistics, graduating statistics, number of Rhode Scholars, etc. Can it automatically be sent to me as certain items get updated?

[087]  Marketplace on the web for members to post whatever they want others to read. Anything from employment related to services or products.

[088]  Reach out to grads and bring into the fold, rather then isolate. Example: $50 to use Herbert Hall for a class reunion, mail prepartation function. Stupid! Encourage the use of Herbert Hall, not discourage. Take the loss on cleaning the hall and build thousands of dollars of goodwill by making us feel a part of AOG, not outsiders.

[089]  See answer to question 17 above. Purchase of computer hardware & software under the cadet's purchase contract.

[090]  I don't know how well the transistion services are, but I would recommend they be evaluated to insure they are truly helpful. I remember an incident 2 years ago when AOG recommended a job hunting service that when grads compared notes on the list-server, there was extreme disatisfaction with the service and AOG had to defend their recommendation for the service.

[091]  WEB hosting and refferences for services and products offered by graduates of the academy.

[092]  Check with DA for better tracking of who is still in. I know that my class is around 230 or so, last Registrar puts us at over 400. More accuracy would be nice.

[093]  Career and professional CIVILIAN services... note: EFFECTIVE REFERRAL SERVICES, one grad operating in conjunction with the WPSNY still has not generated a single lead/interview/contact after 15 years, and I am in the six figure catagory.... is he selling our Grads cheap???

[094]  Expanded hotel and conference facilities. Not quite sure how to do this ... but willing to explore.

[095]  Helping make burial arrangements for grads/widows if national cemetery is desired

[096]  Start a USMA grad purchasing cooperative which would allow grads to obtain computers, cars and other high value items in cooperative which would ideally result in the best prices for these items through volume purchasing. If profits are generated, donate to USMA.

[097]  More research (such as surveys like this)into areas which are of interest/benefit/concern to the global USMA community. Your technology capability is a very good match for this.

[098]  keep us old guys informed of the situations in government, politics, etc. that effect our status as grads/vets.

[099]  Additional job placement activities.

[100]  Assistance in getting into the WP cemetary

[101]  I think the carrer transition services are critical, despite the moanings of the older grads. Consider that about the only ones who do not take jobs after service are those who die on active duty...

[102]  Networking forum on the internet - list avilable talent in addition to businesses. E.g. an "Employment Wanted" section.

[103]  put the Register of Graduates on-line. It is still a frequently used reference among senior officers and personnel managers. West Point graduates, in and out of uniform, would greatly benefit from such an on-line reference.

[104]  This question requires more analysis than the few minutes devoted to this 31 question survey! Maybe this question should become the basis of another, separate survey. What services do the other SERVICE ACADEMY AOG's provide? How does ours compare? How 'bout the pvt landgrant universities, etc? For example, the University of So. California (USC) has a strong alumni assoc in So Cal; seems to do a great job, especially with recruiting top athletes! Pepperdine Univ also has an agressive and dynamic ALUMNI assoc, again particularly in SC! Considering the number of USMA grads involved in the SC biz community, one could wonder why our presence isn't any bigger? If George S. Patton, Jr. still lived in San Ramon, CA, next to Pasadena, I'm certain he'd find a way to fix things! Perhaps some of his principles of leadership or life could assist. Another good book to read is, GEN PATTON'S PRINCIPLES FOR LIFE and LEADERSHIP, by Porter Williamson. Patton's daughter says of this book, "It's the best ever written about my father!" Each chapter discusses a principle! Two that relate to the current AOG dilemma are as follows: WE CAN ALWAYS LEARN FROM EACH OTHER! and NO DECISION IS DIFFICULT TO MAKE IF YOU WILL GET ALL OF THE FACTS! Another of PATTON'S PRINCIPLES that perhaps could apply in this instance is: DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK THAT DEATH CAN BE MORE EXCITING THAN LIFE! Williamson admits his book could use a little editing to correct some of the typos. Even so, it's very readable and presently passed out by a number of commanders in the military and industry! ISBN 0-918356-6-7, or 0-918356-07-5 Porter Williamson would make a great speaker at an AOG function - especially at USMA! Porter's home phone is (520) 299-9615. He worked w/ George S. Patton, Jr during WWII! Perhaps Porter as much as anyone else was responsible for the TANK's adoption by the U.S. Army. Certainly Gen Drum's poor showing in the So. Carolina Maneuvers of fall 1941 can be traced to Porter's National Geographic map and abundant initiative. READ the book!

[105]  Sponsoring a floating hotel (a boat anchored in the Hudson) during peak times like June Week and other times when you can't get a hotel within an hour of WP. You might as well have a reunion in Ohio if you can't get within an hour's commute of the Academy.

[106]  I see more focus on graduates and gifts of graduates such as Michie Stadium press facilities, statues of outstanding graduates, and help to the families of graduates such as, scholarships.

[107]  Tell us what is planned for the future and do so in time for us to give intput.

[108]  I'd like some time to think about that one.

[109]  Many schools -- MIT for example -- provides for its graduates a permanent e-mail address which can be tapped into at any time. THis is a great idea for us to undertake. It takes a full time admin person and alot of server space, but it keeps the alumni permnently tied in. THe service at MIT includes a forwarding function where the alumni association e-mail address can fwd e-mail to one's most active account.

[110]  other than something about the golf course as mentioned above !! I think that many AOG members who live within a few hours would use the course if it were more available other than as a member of the "General Public"

[111]  More to support and/or promote minority participation

[112]  Short monthly updates via email to all

[113]  - An e-mail newsletter (monthly) to supplement Assembly. It could provide updates on important issues as they occur, as well as important USMA-related news. - Would like to see an on-line database of graduates with the same information as the Cullum Register. I understand this is in the works. - Now that classes are listed alphabetically in the Cullum Register, it would be a great service to the rest of our classes to also list us alphabetically. It is much easier to look up classmates alphabetically in a class section than it is to constantly look for names in directory section. It is always difficult to find someone named Smith, Jones, etc, and it is time consuming.

[114]  As mentioned above, improved job networking.

[115]  Job search

[116]  A more comprehensive method of job search and career development after the military.

[117]  See comments question 17

[118]  Not right now

[119]  AOG special golf vacation promotions.


[121]  some form of "welcome wagon" for grads as they report to new posts/communities...I was in Huntsville for 4 yrs before I found out there was a society here.

[122]  Again, see my response to #15.

[123]  List serve for news in the public media about the Academy

[124]  Should extend greater support to graduates and widows in later life.

[125]  Life-long learning symposiums or material. Why not discounts on literature and programs that reinforce USMA ideals and leadership techniques.

[126]  addresses of graduates accessable on line (the addresses which the AOG has).

[127]  Ex-cadet support group (again, no quitters or honor violators -- only for cadets who have been separated for medical or academic reasons)

[128]  I would like to see more community oriented services provided by the AOG instead of being so self-centered. It would be good for the AOG and would help us in serving our nation and communities

[129]  Facilitate interaction among classmates/grads by use of the internet.

[130]  might look at cellular phone or Internet service providers

[131]  only in a general sense- I have used little or no services that are provided- but will begin investigating their use- may need more - AOG capabnilities exposure to people like me- use the electronic medium this survey is a GREAT idea

[132]  See previous comments

[133]  The AOG has good services but the services can always (and they are) be improved.

[134]  Resume prep service

[135]  Perhaps a business bulletin board so that those graduates in civilian life can have more up todate information on the location and activities of other graduates in the civilian work force

[136]  See 17 above

[137]  I think AOG is doing fine work.

[138]  See #14 above

[139]  Career search services should be enhanced

[140]  No, not now, but I will think about it some.

[141]  You can address some of the more contentious and controversial issues,e.g. how and why did plebe recognition get pushed up to March. Whatever just quit feeding me those wonderful, feel-good reports.

[142]  See comments above.

[143]  Think the plate is full but should always be re-evaluated on a scheduled basis if nothing else.

[144]  Maybe co-sponsorship of a "destination" lodging club facility perhaps in a center-of-gravity location such as Williamsburg, Virginia.

[145]  Improve its assistance in job hunting

[146]  Monthly job listing from grads in private business.

[147]  See 19 above

[148]  See #19

[149]  When I graduated and entered the Active Army, I did a poor job managing my Army career. Looking back on my early OERs, and my performance as a young Lieutenant, I didn't do enough (professionally)to ensure promotion to Major and above. It was from lack of knowledge. I believe the AOG can serve as a "guiding hand" for new Grads, through networking, organizing meetings with young officers and successful officers, mailings on career adivice, etc. This will help greatly in retention.

[150]  Not at the moment.

[151]  Financial Counseling

[152]  New car purchase assistance

[153]  I was not aware of the locator service or advice on jobs. These should be promoted more. The e-mail addition was a great idea as it will keep me more involved.

[154]  Realistic feedback about what is happening at USMA, not PAO approved, everything is hunky dorry (sp?) or don't question us responses. You may be doing this but since we don't see the warts, it's hard to believe.

[155]  Greater awareness of services and programs.

[156]  Better publicity of current services

[157]  programs such as the new hebert sports more emphasis on explaining what existing aog programs and staff member capabilities can do for the grads

[158]  See above comments

[159]  Prospective Candidate newsletter telling AOG activitie within their area. A company listing where garduiates are and how to contact a grad in that company. Organizing the webpages into company pages.

[160]  Widow assistance

[161]  Higher Profile resume service so that companies could review an updated package if they're hiring

[162]  This requires some thinking "out of the box." It just appears that AOG does what the paradigm for graduate associations do in most cases. That seems to be inadequate, but just how to change is not readily apparent.

[163]  Described above-- Post-Military Employment Network for AOG Members.

[164]  more integration of the first class into A.O.G.

[165]  Info on requirements and procedures for burial of deceased grads @ West Point. Some orderly data-base method for accumulating obits of classmates for computer access by living classmates and others.

[166]  Both the Academy and the AOG ignore the west coast, instead focusing on the east. This causes far less awareness (thus taxpayer support) of West Point. A program, including athletic events, should be instituted to encourage the Academy to improve that situation.

[167]  The biggest service would be acting as a real focal point for graduates opinions and interests. Every special interest group in the country is better represented politically than graduates of the academy.

[168]  More aggressive efforts on maintaining data/ info on "missing"/ inactive grads. Help to pull them back into the fold. Maybe a "Team Leader" or sponsor program. We could follow-up with them on Society activities, AOG fundraisers, etc. Focus on the local area/ region where we have the opportunity for face to face contact.

[169]  Yes, but in the current climate of the AOG I don't think anything I have to say will be of interest.

[170]  Improve suggestions for class gift.

[171]  Coordinating with the Thayer Hotel to provide graduates with a preference when seeking to stay at the Thayer. More and more, graudates are being asked to donate to projects maintaining USMA; include roadway renovation, etc,

[172]  Again, mentioned in the above lines.

[173]  1. foster effective PR for the U.S. Army 2. foster effective PR for the USMA 3. lobbying in Washington/U.S. Congress on behalf of the Army and USMA

[174]  CHAMPUS/Medicare supplement insurance

[175]  Consider helping secure a nomination for prospective, qualified applicants who have no political connections, based on the recommendation of graduates who are not related to them.

[176]  Lobby to put Assembly on line. While this would probably be the demise of the hard copy, it would be much more functional. Imagine being able to search for specific's on classmates, events, etc. It could still be funded by a subscription service. The reason I do not subscribe to the Assembly is the bulk of the magizines. On line submission of information for articles etc.

[177]  Put gift shop catalog and ordering on line

[178]  Sponsoring a member bulletin board on the internet, but only for access to AOG members.

[179]  Stay with services that are inline with the goals and purpose of AOG: communication amongst members.

[180]  See comments in #19 above. Suggest locating alumni by congresssional districts, become a political activist group in their district, get together their clout to meet with their senators/representatives to review bills, laws, political issues to provide representativesd political clout, funds, positions from the West Point ideals perspectives...

[181]  Retirememt Planning Investment Counseling Internment at West Point Information VA Benefits Counseling

[182]  Better job placement services. There are many industries that pay top dollar for academy graduates. Without too much effort on your part, you could easily market your graduates to the civilian sector at considerable profit. I have always been amazed at the fact that the academies do not take advantage of this oppurtunity the way civilian institutions do so well. You probably would better be served by employing more personnel with real life business experience and fewer Colonels.

[183]  Job Search assiatance above the LIST currently provided.

[184]  not at the present time

[185]  Educate peoples around the world about land mines and promote removal.

[186]  Not at this time

[187]  Minority recruiting; better links to active duty, national guard, and reserve.

[188]  Additionmal services would dilute focus further.

[189]  Legal referral services for members of the reserves or National Guard who seek redress in cases of abuses suffered. I.E. what legal resources are available to combat abuses of power and position? It takes a legal resource intimately familiar with the way the National Guard and/or reserve components conduct business.

[190]  Provide a locator system that automatically keeps the class listserver informed on changes in email addresses, and keep mailing addresses accurate at all times. Provide aggressive support to providing obits in the very next Assembly after a grads death. USNA does it and so should AOG. Shipmates takes obits up to one day before publication. AOG needs to do a better job in explaining the life cycle costs of gifts to USMA to each class. It is imperative that it be done well and SOON. AOG needs to hire a World Class fund raiser to bring WPF capabilities up to the highest levels of efficiency. Don't pennypinch in this area and don't seek a grad for the job, necessarily. Seek a proven entity and pay what it costs to get this program to higher levels. Participation each year needs to exceed 80% or higher. Go for 100% even if it takes someone else giving a $1 for those unable. Drive up participation and the numbers will follow. Make the life insurance and giving programs simplier to follow. Provide great examples of how grads are doing it. -Try spending a little money to make money. Send each grad a quality tshirt with WEST POINT on it. Make in one every officer in AOG would wear running on the street in the summer. We have to get grads out of their Harvard tshirts and into West Point tshirts. Send the shirts out in advance of the fund raising. Know each grads sizes, their spouses sizes, their kids ages, etc. Change products each year on about a 10 year cycle. Go to sweatshirts next, or coolers, or seat cushions, etc. Quality stuff and don't make it continguent on giving. Do the fund raising like professionals and let grads know what they are getting for the dollars. Put out tapes with the details. Go for a $1billion endowment for AOG and cadet activities, cadet development programs that are world class.

[191]  I'm not sure if the AOG could facilitate events like the upcoming Army vs Navy basketball game at Navy. Having a classmate coach the b-ball team has sparked lots of interest in the D.C. area. Probably this is an AAA function, but many who have not lived near USMA for years don't have much contact with AAA. Just a thought.

[192]  see 17.

[193]  Referral capabilities (internet page??) for active duty and others seeking civilian employment.

[194]  See #19, above.

[195]  Would like to see more evidence of AOG participation or leadership in things that are traditionally considered "charitable" work. Such things not be restricted to application to graduates...some kind of "outreach" wouldn't hurt.

[196]  How do we compare to other alumni groups in terms of services offered?

[197]  better support of chapter activities and management. I'm tired of the Naval Academy always having better, more active local chapters around the country

[198]  PR campaign promoting USMA to the American voter and Taxpayer... this may help raise the money needed to improve USMA's facilities and keep it viable. Focus a fund raising campaign on the business community like other Universities do. Hell, name a building after them if they fund its construction.

[199]  Separate the FUND RAISING and Commercialization from AOG. If members of the AOG staff want to go in business,and sell "USMA" logos on Mastercards,or be travel agents, let them do it without either AOG or Academy support.

[200]  Assistance finding work.As officer in local society, I've assiated some grads. However, An electronic network managed by AOG would appear to help grads in their job searches. Please contact me to discuss further.

[201]  Provide listing or act as a point of contact to ensure graduates who desire a military funeral have an up to date list of who to contact for this service. The local west point society could keep this information and act as the area point of contact. This service is becoming harder and harder to obtain because of the down sizing and high OPTEMPO of the Army. Any assistance to the local societies would be helpful.

[202]  Need to think about this...

[203]  Not that isn't already available.

[204]  When I was applying to law school, I was looking at about five or six schools in different geographical locations. I sent letters to each of the local AOG chapter presidents to get information about the chapter and to obtain general information (phone numbers and a POC) about the school districts for my wife (she is a teacher and was having problems getting information about the local school districts from the school district's themselves). Although I am sure this was an unusual request, and I am aware that the AOG chapter's don't have clerical support, only one of the chapter's replied to my phone calls and letters. ( I don't recall now the name of the gentleman that responded, but I know he was President of the Hampton Roads, Va. chapter. He responded and was very helpful. I greatly apprectiated his efforts to help me even though we did not eventually relocate to that area). I was very disappointed by this. A simple response would have been nice, even if it simpley said that they don't have the resources to get the information I requested. I don't know what the AOG can do about this nor am I even sure that it is something that local chapters should be doing, but it is something to think about. If the AOG wants to set up a national network for alumni, then the local chapters may want to put some emphasis on responsiveness to inquiries by relocating alumni.

[205]  The Career Transition program should be broadened to include support for civilian graduates looking for new jobs.

[206]  Career Transition/Advisory Services are a critical function to AOG members with the continued downsizing of the Armed Forces. The AOG should be more active in reaching out to members seperating from the service and setting up networks to assist graduates make the transition from uniformed service to industry.

[207]  Internet access / email support (to include support of Juno mail) Direct lobbying through 'old-grad' channels - open up lines of communication from the recent grads out in the field to old grads and from there to Army leadership. Use the 'ring-knocker' society to communicate Army problems to the top levels without being screened through the admin levels. Get the truth to the top.

[208]  Find a way to legally preserve our retirement benefits.

[209]  Assist AOG Trustees in getting out "the Word" to their contemporaries by encouraging mailings from individual trustees to classmates, providing point papers or briefing notes as appropriate and offering to mail the letters at AOG expense.

[210]  N/A

[211]  Career advisory/assistance, not just initial job placement.

[212]  This survey is a good step in evaluating AOG's mission, organization and procedures. Thanks for giving me the opportunity of expressing my options.

[213]  Interment information, West Point Cemetery

[214]  1. Promotion of volunteerism in values-oriented organizations. 2. Promotion in post-military-service employment in non-profit organizations and ministries of excellence and integrity, which promote values and ideals consistent with West Point's. 3. Promote networking among grads of USMA and other service academies toward the end of permeating all of society with the importance of character, integrity, dedication, etc. -- in short: duty, honor, country.

[215]  See above.

[216]  Greater career networking opportunities. A majority of grads are in civilian professional careers.

[217]  I would like more corporate partnerships. My friends that are graduates of other schools such as Notre Dame seem to have many more relationships.

[218]  Lower Credit Card Rates

[219]  Intensify the job transition program, we may all need it.

[220]  Not at this time.

[221]  As I prepare to transition from the Army, the career services has been very valuable. I have taken advantage(or will take advantage) of all the services available. I think the AOG will be an even more useful organization to me in the civilian sector. I anticipate being able to share involvement in the AOG more as a graduate in the civilian sector.

[222]  More outreach for local graduates.

[223]  see list above!

[224]  Broader assistance for graduates who leave the service to gain civilian employment.

[225]  See item # 17

[226]  Possibly my fault, but I was unaware of some of the services. Let Grads know about them.

[227]  If it's not provided by USMA, it would be helpful to have a source for current info about West Point that could be given to prospective candidates.

[228]  Ability to network with other graduates who are in civilian workforce.

[229]  See my response to Number 17.

[230]  See answer t Q14.

[231]  Professional Development Bulletin for active Duty Graduates.

[232]  Sames comment as No. 19

[233]  List Server for USMA graduates either as a whole or by class

[234]  Professional forum for working former Graduates that fosters networking and West Point ideals. Annual convention of AOG members in some major convention center(NYC, DC, Atlanta, New Orleans,San Fransisco, Hawaii, etc)

[235]  Support of cadet trips (staff rides), scientific endeavors (Solar powered car), non-NCAA supported sports.

[236]  No, but I have no terms of referrence as to what other "top notch" programs are providing to their graduates.

[237]  See above. An self pace education on line capability would help. An active jobs listing and point of contact listing would help.

[238]  Location of graduate's widows & children

[239]  If current services are all continued, why not add supplemental health coverage for retirees and for medicare?

[240]  Professional career networking service

[241]  graduate assistance as described in 15 and 16 above

[242]  offer a free email account to graduates, or charge some nominal fee. The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) does this...and there are others...may want to solicit or survey others to see if this is a good idea. Also may want to offer some web page access or offer to expand the scope of listservs to non-WP interests.

[243]  We visited West Point a couple of years ago during the Firstie Car Show. What a disappointment. In '91 we bought a car through the show. Now it's not worth the visit. What happened? Is this something AOG might be able to get into - for Seniors and Grads?

[244]  1. Information updates on Army policies and the direction of the Army (activities, initiatives, etc.) 2. Similar information updates on issues affecting the Academy. 3. Investment plans/opportunities. 4. Business networking (with fellow graduates). 5. Establish (or provide a link to) direct feedback lines of communication to the Supe, Comm, Dean, etc. (similar to military IG hotlines).

[245]  Work more with assistance for career transition and graduate school programs. Perhaps by compiling a data base of graduates by what grad school they attended or what industry/companies they work for. The local society in New York does this, but perhaps one comprehensive listing would be better.

[246]  Networking services

[247]  Take "Career Transition / Advisory Services" and move it to the top of the list, create the data base and allow all AOG members the opportunity to opt in or opt out, then make access to the data base accessible to all.

[248]  a discount internet access provider

[249]  athletic recruiting building new sports facilities

[250]  Better educate the membership on the specifics of each service provided and a comparison to competitors, as well as a reason we should use AOG (x% proceeds go to AOG).

[251]  Not sure; need more time to evaluate.

[252]  A data base (accessible by computer, but in a secure setting) listing graduates' professional information, including what they do, where they're located, etc. If I had the choice, I would prefer to do business with a fellow grad. Such information would be useful for networking.

[253]  See above.

[254]  Graduates should take a proactive position on issues related to the AOG mission statement. The management of West Point is the responsibility of the Supe, et. al. That does not keep us from taking strong positions on matters related to principles and ideals. That is the essence of what West Point instilled in us. That is what sets us apart.

[255]  Try concentrating on the alumni and bringing them togther to help the academy. What does the AOG do to positively impact WP in the communities across the country? You might just try a survey of high school aged kids outside of DC or one of our military bases and see how many of them really consider West Point!

[256]  1. Links/privileges with other service academy alumni organizations. 2. Is AOG involved in politically lobbying, and if so, how and on what issues?

[257]  Buying services Retirement communities Vacations/Travel other than cruises (eg...RV tours, Gulf Coast, Florida, Canada Rail, etc.)

[258]  1. Links/privileges with other service academy alumni organizations. 2. Is AOG involved in politically lobbying, and if so, how and on what issues?

[259]  What about an annual "job fair"

[260]  not sure why we don't have annual dues. It cost money to support such an organization, and without dues there's pressure on fee activities to cover costs. Such activities can lead to bad alliances such as that with the American Medical Assoc. Let's be realistic and start the dialog on dues.

[261]  Periodically publish a compendium of services, perhaps as an enclosure to the occasional catalog of gifts available through the AOG.

[262]  The list is great. The marketing and prioritization could use some work. I suspect that there is an inverse relationship between those services that provide revenue to you (credit card) and those that are useful to grads (career transition).

[263]  Computer buying program.

[264]  see comment above

[265]  Please see earlier comments

[266]  Put SABRD and other networking type info on line.

[267]  As above, more alumni networking opportunities.

[268]  Not sure how aggressive the carreer transition service is. Have not heard anything good or bad about it. It probably needs to be more aggressive. I don't know anyone who has actually used it.

[269]  AOG should promote career development networks that make it easy for Grads to hire other Grads.

[270]  Career Advisory Service, by branch

[271]  Improve what you are doing first - again, more attention to service, support and information.

[272]  Foregoing comment with respect to "combat leaders"

[273]  we all know that there is a massivs shortage of good motels/hotels near west point. with the 2002 200 year anniversary coming; why not have a modern hotel built primarily for grads by grads near west point prior to this event and forever more? look at the little shabby motels in highland falls, etc. why not make an aog hotel? you know the families of cadets visiting would use it; it would open another fund raiser via having another shop to buy AOG material; and during major football season, grad week, etc, it would make a lot of money...

[274]  Provide a forum for USMA graduates working in the civilian sector, i.e. informal groups of USMA grads in medicine, marketing, etc. Would greatly enhance networking capabilities of USMA grads

[275]  Advertise and assist in burial of graduates at West Point and elsewhere in National Cemeteries.

[276]  I am also a member of the Stanford Business School Alumni Association (SBSSA). They hold events throughout the US that headline leading members of the faculty to update the alumni on some of the latest trends in business. AOG needs to do much of the same. Right now most of this type of activity is centered around Founder's Day, and the speeches are usually centered around the latest changes at the academy. We need presentation that include broader issues of national security and the ever changing role of the military in the US. These broader topics, placed in the context of how USMA contributes, would be very interesting.

[277]  Consider making purchases from the gift shop available via the internet.

[278]  Perhaps an annual conference or retreat for networking, opportunities to hear from distinguished grads (either active or civilian), update and Q&A with USMA leaders, etc. This wouldn't necessarily have to be held at West Point. This would also provide an opportunity for fundraising pitches too. Attendees could be from any class.

[279]  More emphasis on career transition services.

[280]  Lobby Congress on behlf of USMA.

[281]  Again ask me next time after I've seen the results of this survey.

[282]  I can't give you a list on-line. This survey deserves some thought and I would appreciate a hard copy to mull over before completing an electronic version. I support electronics--but my day is long and my concentration in the evening is meager at best.

[283]  As noted previously

[284]  Inform the Societies of those new graduates being posted to their areas.

[285]  I think that the service package is excellent. I do believe that information should also be provided on those separated for other than disciplinary/ honor code problems. Many of my classmates are in the civilian sector and as a PhD level engineer, I could provide some help for some of them.

[286]  Eliminate the rewards at Army football and other types of activities that are based on contribution level or status. The Point was an equalizer when I attended. Money provided no special privleges. It sure does now!

[287]  See 19 above

[288]  See response to 17, above.

[289]  1. New programs are most urgently needed where there are now essentially none which support recruiting of applicants to West Point and retention of Graduates on active duty. (a) There are no AOG activities supporting USMA Admissions, although at the June 1996 Leaders Conference a need for AOG support in this area was cited by Academy officials as USMA's most pressing. Graduates need help from their Association with programs for encouraging top qualified aspirants to the Profession of Arms to seek entry to the Corps and qualify as officers in the Regular Army. (b) There are many AOG programs which support departure from miltitary service, but none which are focused on encouraging retention of outstanding younger graduates. New programs are needed for binding Graduates together in support of the highest ideals of Duty, Honor, Country. Class organizations must get new top prioirty programs. Credit cards and floral service are no answers for this critical need. 2. No current programs support Graduate interest in furthering higher USMA professional standards. 3. Programs for preserving the records of USMA Graduates in the service of the nation, and publicizing USMA accomplishent are minimal, and not sufficient. Improved new powerful programs are a must. 4. Programs initiating and sponsoring activities that protect the traditions and development of the Academy are focused on soliciting and accepting financial support for USMA operaions and physical plant improvements. New programs are needed, better tuned to preservation of hstory and tradition. 5. Sifnificant new investment is needed in programs to provide Graduates modern means for vital communication and participation, tuned to integration of input from Graduates, Classes, and Societies.

[290]  Again, check out my answer to number 17

[291]  Try programs to get graduates involved with West Point, other than reunions and football games, such as suggested above. A quiet time to walk around familiar locations might be much more conducive to reconnecting with the Academy than during the noise and confusion of a reunion.

[292]  Hard to say - do not know what services are currently provided and I cannot pull it up on the computer.

[293]  Greater support for graduates retiring from service

[294]  Possibly a more detailed and comprehensive network of graduates outside of the military.

[295]  AOG should take the lead in insuring that the nation in general and congress in particular understands the value of West Point to the nation. This needs to be a continuous process and not just a circle the wagons mentality when every five years a congressman or newspaper editor wants to cut funds for USMA.

[296]  No, but what do other similar orgs do? How about a benchmark study? Is this "world class"?

[297]  What about a mentor program for retiring officers with other gtraduated who have retired and successfully transitioned to a civilian career?

[298]  (1) Hardware / Software sales / upgrade services (2) Tie in electronic messaging capability between AOG and local societies. Savings over time by reducing the cost of mailing @ post office

[299]  Upon transitioning out of the military I found the career advisory service to be very useful. Efforts to continue to expand and improve this service should continue to remain important for AOG.

[300]  Cadet Store?

[301]  Is there any kind of Washington DC lobbying organization? We do have a few members of congress we could tap into.

[302]  I recently (last summer during my Annual Training in the Reserves) returned to West Point. I was very upset to find the rapid deterioration of the grounds. I went by the WKDT building to find the sign was broken. I noticed that several buildings had gargoyles that were in need of repair and that several of the stones in the sidewalks around IKE Hall were broken or not properly seated. This greatly disturbed me that West Point, of all places, had into such a state of poor repair. The AOG needs to do something to help remedy this situation.

[303]  The AOG, through its national organization of chapters, should become much more active in making the American public aware of the continued need for USMA and the other service academys.

[304]  Overarching strategic capital investment strategy to West Point

[305]  More class involvement in fund raising activities

[306]  Sponsorship of Cadets: As a cadet I had a tac, a faculty member from my home region, and my appointing Senator who kept in social contact with me in some limited fashion. And of course I had my family with whom I communicated by mail and telephone. Pretty sparse in some ways, since I was over 1,000 miles from home. My family was not financially able to visit me until graduation, so despite the communications campaign waged by the Supe, Comm, and Admissions, there was a big gap between family and USMA. Today the world is certainly smaller (telecommunications-wise) and perhaps there are graduates, like myself, who would be willing to provide to individual cadets a mentoring figure--someone with whom to communicate who is NOT on the USMA reservation, NOT staff and faculty, but who certainly HAS lived the cadet experience. Some of the things I would tell a cadet would likely be dated (as were the humorous stories my grandfather, Class of '24) told me during my cadet years. Nevertheless, some would be based on enduring experiences and advice which a cadet would not seek from staff/faculty and certainly not from a member of congress! I believe this idea has some merit; if there is already such a program in being I am not aware of it but would be willing to participate in it.

[307]  Can the AOG qualify under the corporate matching funds donation program? Or is this just for the West Point Fund?

[308]  see #17

[309]  See Above

[310]  minority recruiting

[311]  Maybe include family member access to transitioning services/networks for employment

[312]  Academy advocacy program with emphasis on: (a) Congressional, (b) executive branch, (c) DoD, (d) international, (e) membership

[313]  Assist West Point Societys in building web sites linked to AOG homepage and keeping them up to date. Assist societies with recruiting new members.

[314]  Providing assistance to visiting graduates with local lodging accomodations. (assistance in finding accomodations; not financial assistance)

[315]  I feel with the current political climate, that the very existance of USMA is in doubt and feel that the AOG should take a key role in defending the military academies. The lack of RA comissions for graduates is most disturbing and the AOG should lobby for reinstatement.

[316]  ISP Internet Services

[317]  Resume preparation service Investment services

[318]  Perhaps some work with other academy alumni associations to help in the transition area.

[319]  Opprotunities to network with other graduates in similiar fields. Ability to ask questions, etc.

[320]  The AOG should support graduates getting into civilian graduate school programs. This should include maintaining a listing of schools by graduate program that like West Point graduates.

[321]  Many Internet providers support chat rooms or informal communications services via the Internet. They are not difficult to establish, but have received much interest from people on the Internet. Perhaps this could be a service that would aid in communication and the reputation of the AOG as facilitator of that communication.

[322]  list of classmates/grads in a specific area, to contact when making a PCS or other move.

[323]  Need more time to decide

[324]  Athletic teams updates or some type of coordination on athletic team updates via AAA.

[325]  see 17

[326]  See 17

[327]  As stated above, work effectively to change the "system" that rewards those who fail to live up to the standards of "Duty, Honor, Country" and punishes those who do. By the way, I did not see listed the Thayer Award and selection of outstanding graduates, those whose lives shine as a beacon in demonstrating our password, "Duty, Honor, Country."

[328]  Active support/promotion of graduates in the Army...perhaps a "notables" column in the Assembly that highlights young graduates accomplishments on active duty.

[329]  Job Networking

[330]  I have described them in a previous section.

[331]  Provide definitive guidance on how to use attachment to e-mail - both Mac and PC users.

[332]  The AOG and the Academy needs to treat its grads better, even coddle them. I attended graduate school at Harvard and I receive the "royal" treatment when I return. They probably do this in the hope that I make a large contribution. Why doesn't West Point do the same. A little upfront investment in royal treatment goes along way in subsequent gifting. Let grads eat in the mess hall once a year when they return to the Academy

[333]  See my response to 17.

[334]  More good publicity. Tired of hearing about the AF and Navy Military Academy

[335]  See above comments

[336]  see above

[337]  Get the mission changed back to what it used to be.

[338]  How about negotiating a broad arrangement under which grads could, with AOG's help, arrange for courtesy discounts on post-grad, or "enrichment" under-grad, course tuition fees at accredited universities?

[339]  As said earlier - help in getting the word out about events taking place outside of West Point that local societies may want to attend (Sports, Clubs, etc)

[340]  1. I call into question the entire list and think each item needs to be reviewed and for its effectiveness. Too much "me too-ism" in the list.

[341]  I did not see reference to "Employment Assistance" in block #19.. You must have it listed elsewhere.

[342]  Tell old grads more about changes at the Academy in terms of physical changes to the post and academic changes for the cadets..

[343]  With regard to fund-raising, I think the communications from AOG could be a little clearer in some cases. For example, in the case of the Class of '75, we have all been asked to contribute to our class gift fund. When I get my annual West Point Fund contribution request, it's my intent to have my contribution go to that fund, but I always have to read carefully to make sure that I've designated the target account correctly. So far, I think I've been able to figure it out, but I've always had to go back to a letter have on file from a few years ago to make sure that I do it right. I'd prefer to see clearer instructions come with the solicitation letter. If I should also be thinking about making a contribution outside of our class gift fund I'd like to see a clearer explanation of how the overall funding allocation process is structured.

[344]  Is there any coordination between local societies and AOG? If not, a more centralized approach to enhancing cohesiveness among graduates would be appropriate.

[345]  I though AOG had some "Job Placement" services availabel to members. This would be a good idea if it doesn't exist.

[346]  Career networking

[347]  Yes, we should link up with other avaiable services which a committee could research.

[348]  Continue to strengthen those programs in place. It appears to me that AOG has focused on the right areas now it is just implementation to benefit all the grads whether a member or not - continue to emphasize participation and inclusion.

[349]  Insurance and retirement planning

[350]  See note above

[351]  One thing I have noticed is that that there is a great need for a strong civilian professional development presence to assist in civilian career enhancement

[352]  When I transitioned out of active service in '94, I thought transition program lacked substance. Don't know if it has changed since, but may need improvement putting grads in touch with others in industry

[353]  Group disability insurance for former-AD members Financial advice/management/investment services

[354]  Encourage and support regional mini-reunions. Class of 1957 had a big one here in Colorado Springs in 1991 that really went over big. We love to get together with our own classmates.

[355]  Expand and coordinate business networking

[356]  Start bringing cadets into the AOG as soonas they become 2d classmen so they can see first hand the benefit of AOG membership. In this way, perhaps AOG can maintain better contact with classes early in their careers as well as later in life.

[357]  See above

[358]  professional and personal development of gtads on a broad basis, from sponsoring conventions on professions matters to promoting post-service functions/services for grads. many of these could be done in conjunction with other associations. See what services other schools have.

[359]  Web page with AOG current services

[360]  An electronic link to The Army Times or personnel in order to track and locate lost graduates or friends via the internet email systems.

[361]  See #19 above.

[362]  I feel that the network potential that exists within the AOG is greatly under utilized. I think a national organized event may provide some real educational benefit to grads.

[363]  Same as above.

[364]  Well, the Graduates seem to be running themselves quite well without the AOG. Support of graduate activities would be something to look at. I see that effective communication among graduates is being developed but not with any support from the AOG.

[365]  Impressive list. I think some things around the development of personal careers and continuing leadership education could be added.

[366]  Provide a forum for the exchange of discussion on issues related to duty, honor, country in our active and retired forces, as well as within the business workplaces of our graduates.

[367]  More active in Class Networking and Job Placement at other than transition levels from the Army.

[368]  A "Pointcast" type service that propogates USMA news, sports schedules, scores, etc. across the internet for subscribers.

[369]  Career fair on a national basis.

[370]  Develop a comprehensive list of short and long range "Advocacy" goals to publish, pursue and report on. (Of course you will try to dismiss this recommendation by saying "but that's not allowed". When AUSA, TROA and AM, VFW and most other organizations do this, I'm sure AOG can do these things also.")

[371]  1. Encourage and help graduates get involved in positions of national interest. 2. Encourage use of separated gradutes skills and resources to add civilian input and assistance to the military, national security, and issues of world interest and importance.

[372]  I think the list of services offered now is fairly comprehensive

[373]  see earlier comments

[374]  You have an untapped gold mine in recruiter services. You need to look at what Stanford does -- how its grads get jobs and the assoc gets paid.

[375]  More career assistance for transitioning JMOs

[376]  employment networking

[377]  A greater focus on career transition.

[378]  The online career advisors network that I mentioned above.

[379]  See my #17 response.

[380]  I am in the process of proposing a service for graduates that will also raise money for the AOG.

[381]  AOG could more actively recruit graduates to assist in cadet admission programs in their local area. I would be willing to assist with this activity in my region if asked and I believe others would as well.

[382]  Develop and/or support as many services or benefits as possible, as long as such services do not result in a net loss to the AOG.

[383]  Consider having more USMA/West Point sales items for sale through the catalog rather than just the higher priced items the AOG sponsors. Items like available in the Local West Point AAFES.

[384]  easier access to grads, by class, to find current address or e-mail address

[385]  Please help inform Grads of the different types and ways of contributing money. I want to make sure I contribute to projects my class is sponsoring since I have limited funds to contribute.

[386]  Note comment 17 above

[387]  1.Develop recruiting /marketing materials for attracting more High School JROTC graduates to West Point. Get involved in Youth Leadership programs, i.e., Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, and others around the country.

[388]  USAA provides almost a duplicate list of "benefits"--as do most associations and groups what would be helpful is a list of issues on which the grads could offer comments and suggestions and even "help" with Congressional support.

[389]  Job network

[390]  Make class notes portion of assembly available on the AOG homepage. Many subscribe just to read this leter.

[391]  increase programs assisting grads transitioning out of the army into the civilian world.


[393]  Noted above.

[394]  1. Return to the traditional curriculum at the Academy. When I was there the only elective was foreign language. 2. Require all male graduates to be commissioned in a combat branch (Armored(Cavalry), Artillery, Engineers, Infantry or Signal Corps). 3. Work to get the ladies into a separate facility, as suggested by the Supreme Court decision on integrating the sexes at the Virginia Military Institute. Until that is acheived, the Academy will have to remain a high priced finishing school. (See the New York Times magazine article on Beast Barracks) 4. Get rid of the "politically correct" British Science about ethnic and gender surveys. I don't know any hyphenated Americans.

[395]  I'd like to see some sort of "post-death" services for the spouses and minor children of graduates! I'm not sure anything is provided. They should all be in the "family" too!

[396]  Stronger role in career advisory services -- linkages to societies.

[397]  Is it time for AOG to mobilize its membership as lobbyists? I'm a banker, and my trade associations pummel & inundate me with issues for elected officials. They're not bashful about it, and it gets results. Fewer & fewer elected officials have direct military experience &/or exposure. The increasingly rational defense funding process (e.g., base closure studies) (which I support, by the way) mean it's harder for DoD &/or supportive elected officials to "get votes" (i.e., lobby) through appropriations & the threat of appropriations reductions. In general, our graduates (meaning our graduates no longer serving on Active Duty) tend to be well-educated, articulate, prominent or influential, etc., etc. Perhaps we can make an impact for our Alma Mater and the Nation and service she serves.

[398]  Informing members about the Bennifits and how to use/get info on using them. Send me some.

[399]  Grads who are attorneys (or other professional) to assist other grads. Advertise any special assistance that AOG gives to grads that are disabled, in need of a job, etc.

[400]  1.) Red Cross blood Drives @ Marrow program

[401]  see earlier comments

[402]  Wider, stronger career advisory and transition services. There is little comparison to the services and informal bonding available among graduates of the Ivy League schools.

[403]  See block 30

[404]  Are you doing enough to help graduates no longer in the army find useful employment, or do you leave that to local societies?

[405]  Again, the gift shop discount would help. I do not like being treated like a memeber of the general population. This small benefit would go a long way.

[406]  more aggressive job search

[407]  Can AOG partner, in any way, with the standard "military" associations, e.g., USAA, TROA. More one stop service and more volume.

[408]  Clean up the website a bit. Screens are slow to load and quite cluttered.

[409]  More profiles of graduates for PR purposes. What has happened to grads after military life. Part of overall enhanced PR efforts.

[410]  more active career placement service better information about AOG processes/ elections

[411]  See above comments. Create an interactive, Web-based networking tool. At least publish a list of all graduates, their current employer, and their current position within that employer. Ask if graduates would be willing to mentor or facilitate the transition or career progression of graduates into new jobs. Basically, function like any of the successful Ivy League alumni networks.

[412]  As a graduate that has spent 12 of 23 years since graduation in the US Army Reserves, I believe that the AOG should acknowledge this category better. The reserve unit I was in had over 50% West Point Graduates.

[413]  Maintain a "For Sale" bulletin board for USMA items, memorabilia, Ben Maile prints, etc. I was recently looking for pricing info on sold-out Maile prints and couldn't find any on either the AOG Web Page or USMA.org

[414]  See Item 17 above

[415]  Buying service similar to that offered by USAA

[416]  Financial Planning

[417]  Electronic access to WP Societies and contacts around the world.

[418]  Congressional Academy Lobbiest activities

[419]  On-line / on-site prof development updates for military and civilians - how to get ahead - success stories - strategies - professional protocol - networks/networking

[420]  Just what I had mentioned above.

[421]  add job listing/opportunities with companies that are looking for USMA graduates, including those that have been in the civilian workforce for some years.

[422]  Should be more involved in assisting graduates with career changes/transition both from the Army and from civilian careers

[423]  May be too difuse already.

[424]  Only as it relates to the continued existance of USMA

[425]  Sponsor a new grad/ new cadet program. Suggest services be added that would assist AOG in its purpose/ goal attainment, e.g., list WPF projects and contributions, show membership growth or participation, etc.

[426]  See above.

[427]  Looks good. There were some of which I was unaware.

[428]  Do a better job of articulating to the members the issues bearing on the continued viability of USMA.

[429]  See notes above (question 17)

[430]  Career transition and advisory services are "nice". -- But, what most top level schools offer is assistance and support in networking. This would be helpful.

[431]  See #14 above.

[432]  Group Life Insurance

[433]  The gift shop should carry a better selection. I recently visited the USNA gift shop in Annapolis and it was much better. There were many things there I would buy if you carried them.

[434]  Only additions would be what I listed in response to Question #17.

[435]  1. caution against expanding services, especially into financial investments; stretches out resources, which should be kept in check. 2. along with Grad Locator and other internet services, link to other Academies' grad lists

[436]  Expand the Assembly to include applets from the various clubs. Other than a grad's company and friends, these are the links back to the Hudson most folks feel. For example, the Army Rugby Club could post an article updating their accomplishments and upcoming schedule. We all see this for Army Football in various formats, and most of us like it. However, most grads did not play big boy football and rekindling their interest in something they can better relate to, I believe, will eventually pay off in donations by grads to specific clubs. Thus, the general fund can be moved around the battlefield as needed.

[437]  1)Consider member insurance programs to include health, life, property, and auto....maybe something in conjunction with USAA.

[438]  Please concentrate on doing your primary business well. Most businesses, activities and organizations make the mistake of trying to do too much. Keep it simple and do it well; then look for more ways to serve.

[439]  --Advocate for grads welfare (health care, COLAs, --Educate public and Congress about USMA and officers in general

[440]  Provide information on political or regulatory issues confronting the academy (i.e. Congressional or Administration directives, or other national news items).

[441]  Act as a conduit for graduates trying to relocate one another - in particular with the availability of the internet.

[442]  Coordinate a publicity effort to generate good news in the Washington Post and in the other major news media to include major metropolitan newspapers, networks and cable. Here is where our various sports and leadership development programs should gain some prominent display.

[443]  Services that support the objective

[444]  See above.

[445]  yes, in general, but not specifically other than assisting families of when death occurs

[446]  see #18

[447]  Every year, the cadets come up with a new Army-Navy t-shirt (often long sleeve). Every year, I wish someone would give us old grads the chance to order one. How about it, AOG?

[448]  Always room for improvement...the AOG directory of alumni is great, but not up to date.

[449]  promote senior level national security policy talks, utilize the memberships ability to help the nation as stated in the goals

[450]  How about a low or no cost credit card program linked to an airlines so you can build up frequent flier miles. Anything similar would also be a welcome change.

[451]  Second career info, networking

[452]  More comprehenisve business networking program (Naval Academy seems to have us beat in this area)

[453]  Offer WWW site for electronic subscription to Assembly

[454]  Lodging suppport for returning grads for weekend or incidental visits. Lists of possible facilities, B&B's, etc.

[455]  Assisting graduates getting tickets for athletic events via an 800 number. (Note - US Naval Academy has an 800 number for ticket sales)

[456]  See 19 above.


[458]  ensure that the gift shop stocks high quality merchandise and may a little less of the type of items typical of the "souvenir shops."

[459]  see above comments

[460]  employment data base

[461]  AOG gift services, Military academy wear, etc. on the internet.

[462]  better career transition help.

[463]  If we are to become more like a civilian center for higher learning-at least in terms of funding, then I would think that the AOG would need to benchmark itself against the leading Alumni Associations in the country and establish those programs that set those associations apart from their peers. We are probably doing the major programs now- but are we in the top 5 in the country in those programs? Focus, focus, focus is the best advice we all can take.

[464]  The transition services are valueable - I think they should be expanded. Resume's submitted by graduates to the AOG should be available to other graduates looking to hire like-minded individuals. Job postings like those on WP-ORG. Retirement services might also be a good line to get into. Where did Smith retire to? Why? Who has good suggestions? Vacation spots and recommendations from fellow graduates.

[465]  The AOG needs to develop creative ways to get grad participation. I know I have been negligent, but I am sure all institutions need to constantly prompt their posterity.

[466]  As I am in the area, I would interesting in occassionally attending lectures or seminars at the Academy. If possible, a list of events appropriate for grads to attend could be sent out by email or published in the Assembly.

[467]  In addition to the SABRD, add a link or website for lawyer references, especially lawyers with military legal experience (former SJA officers). I knew a lot of classmates on active duty that needed to hire a good civilian attorney and had trouble finding one familiar with the military.

[468]  Continue with annual Christmas Ornaments, and paintings. (Narrow focus of paintings to the most popular styles i.e. Steucke--Pollen or whoever)

[469]  See item 19 above.... seems like too many

[470]  I believe the Career Advisory Service needs enhancement. I tried using the service (5 years ago) and was disappointed with the service level.

[471]  Improve the transition and career advisory services. Also, maybe increase networking within the army

[472]  I would like to be able to have a floppy copy of the Register of Grads books. The Register of Grads should include spouse's names.

[473]  see item on career transitions

[474]  Provide us with recruiting information, such as academic requirements, physical requirements, lieutenant's salaries, retirement options and pay, medical benefits, etc. so we can be up-to-date.

[475]  Help with application to graduate school and other education options available.

[476]  Retirement Planning Investment Planning (Recommended reading and professional resources based on input from graduates who have successfully made the transition.)

[477]  Assistance with the Deptartment of Veterans Affairs. For example, assistance to widows/children of deceased service members when problems arise with the VA, burial benefits, headstones, hospitalization.

[478]  Mentor program More PR on the good things WP and its grads do for the country/mankind

[479]  Work with societies to bring professional educational programs to the local areas.

[480]  Not at this time. This survey has required too much time and I must move on.

[481]  See # 16 above

[482]  Support Admissions Office by interviewing prospective cadets, similar to what many civilian universities do. The Liaison Officers could use some support and some independent opinions.

[483]  The single finest thing we could do, in my judgement, is to honor our veterans which include those we led, by instituting a program that guarantees that every Veterans hospital and center is visited by us, their officers on a continual and programmed basis. I have suggeated that the Army do this by assigning units to each of them but it has not happened. I went to one in Florida several years ago and while little old ladies visite ocassionally (to their credi), the Vets had not seen fellow warriors for years.

[484]  Enhancing the image of the Academy with the Congress and the Press.

[485]  As well as telephone gift-shop ordering, a web page should be developed to allow grad to order items via the internet.

[486]  Perhaps funding a PAC to lobby in congress for Academy wants and needs. In today's world, it is a necessity, and any friend we can get on the hill is an ace.

[487]  With the downsizing of the Army, I would like to see a stronger push to help graduates find jobs in the market. You have done a great beginning but I do not believe that you have come near your potential.

[488]  Establishing programs to enhance Mentoring / Networking with the Active Duty graduates.

[489]  I would like to see the local societies being more active in career transition/networking, particularly for younger grads who are coming off active duty after 5-8 years.

[490]  Helping graduates start off their careers at their first duty assignment better. Possibly offering unbiased career counselling from people who are either retired or not so close to the officer as the Chain of Command.

[491]  Need more time to consider answer.


[493]  -Put your info on the web. It's not convenient at all for me to call East coast time. I might use your service a lot more if it was easier to access. --Why should I care about your travel programs, credit cards & stuff when I get bombarded everyday with offers for that kind of stuff? If you had better rates (that I could see on the web), I might give it a try though.

[494]  A centralized listing of the AOG services. USAA, for example, sends a one page listing of all its services which the individual can place a check mark next to for those he/she is interested in and mail back to receive further info (or simply list where more info can be obtained--web page...this is limited to those with internet access).

[495]  Promote job availability among members and not just transition from militaty to civilian jobs. Many members have been out of the military for a long time.

[496]  ?

[497]  See above

[498]  1. Enchance your employment networking capability to assist graduates in seeking employment outside the military. 2. Expend more energy on locating and contacting graduates who have not stayed in contact and attempting to reenforce the value of communications between classmates and fellow graduates. 3. Take a look at possible revision of the Assembly format and adding new features--I suspect that many graduates only read selected portions and need to see new features. 4. Initiate a program to actively assist and support the spouses and families of graduates who have been killed in action, and to make them feel a true part of the West Point family.

[499]  Recruiting Fund Raising Career Opportunities Career Mentoring all might be mentioned more specifically

[500]  We have no locat society in my area. It would be great if I could get (and maybe all graduates in the area get) a list of graduates and their addresses located in Idaho and Eastern Washington.

[501]  better promote charity work

[502]  I had very little interface with the AOG and non-staff/faculty graduates when I was a cadet. Could AOG initiate an outreach program, cadet article for Assembly, etc. that would create an earlier bonding process with the Corps?

[503]  I strongly support the AOG Chairman's idea to implement a program directed at the Grads currently on active duty. Also see block #31.

[504]  I believe the AOG could better inform grads on changes to cadet academic and tactical training. The com's and dean's letter generally do not go into sufficient depth on this.

[505]  group health care

[506]  Lecture series,weekend seminars on topics of interest to alumni and in which our faculty have special expertise e.g. military history.Yale,UVA,do some fabulous ones which their alumni support heartily.

[507]  Assembly published on the internet

[508]  Focus on services for grads is fine, but I think more emphasis could be put on cultivating and encouraging creative thinking or seminars on issues related to the improvement of the USMA educational experience, the welfare and concerns of cadets, and on it's survival as an institution. This would seem to relate more to the purpose statement of the AOG above.

[509]  See comments in prior boxes.

[510]  Support needs of graduates related to serious health problems that are not covered by medicare and health insurance. Set up a separate health insurance program to take care of these possibilities. I we don't take care of ourselves, nobody else will. Remember the beginning of the AFI in 1887.

[511]  No high priority ones are suggested at this time other than the spinoffs from this survey.

[512]  Political Action in support of USMA

[513]  Set up local media contacts for favorable publicity. Sponsor cadet speaking engagements. Establish and exploit Congressional contacts. Do something useful!

[514]  Why doesn't AOG just try to help its members and their families overcome life's difficulties? Sort of like a police officer's benevolent society, with scholarships for deceased classmates' children, low-interest loans to graduates trying to start a post-retirement career, etc.?

[515]  See medical concern above.

[516]  I probably could think of something..but nothing comes to mind.

[517]  Greater outplacement

[518]  It would be helpful to provide an on line mail/membership list. I'm living in the UK and would be interested in finding an old fart squash partner.

[519]  (1)Put Register of Graduates on line to assist historians, writers (2) Provide on line a list of graduates by state (or foreign country), with addresses

[520]  Active role in protecting West Point and the mission of the Academy from political assault

[521]  Work to send more information on the state of the Academy to include funding issues, honor code evolution, mission evolution, etc.

[522]  Set up all services on the internet.


[524]  Job listing services. On our class home page several job openings were listed. As grads get close to retiring form the military this service would provide both employers and grads an opportunity to get quality personnel and second careers.

[525]  unknown,. Suspect this shoud be asked of a larger group

[526]  Job Listings available exclusively to USMA grads

[527]  Let's start a strong campaign using life insurance as a way to leave money to West Point. eg $10,000 to $25,000. policies by regular folks. It is affordable if you start while you are still healthy & young enough. ( I am 55 & could start gifting the annual premium.)For example for a particular class $10,000. x 400 class members in '64 = $4,000,000. Not bad.

[528]  Represent the opinions and ideas of the graduates. I do not get the feeling that the organization really makes a very extensive effort to find out the graduates opinions on any of the critical questions facing the Academy these days and then representing those opinions. With the communication system in place these days and the graduates organization by classes, it would not be overly difficult to canvas the graduates for opinions on important Academy questions and then represent those opinions to the best of AOG's ability.

[529]  Expand information service to members, to include pertinent legislative, financial, consumer, retired quality of life, medical, and other issues.

[530]  Try to get more information concerning these services to grads living outside the US. This is now being done through e-mail but maybe the Defense Attaches Office at the Embassies could be a mini information center (if there is no legal impediment). Most countries do not have toll free sevices in their phone systems so we need a listing other than the 800 number

[531]  1. I arranged for several BS&L professors to come give a 2 day seminar on Army Leadership & USMA to MIT management grad students last January. The response was tremendous. I think AOG should arrange for BS&L professors to give professional leadership seminars to civilian industry leaders. The desire and need for leadership training out here is great. By charging for the seminars, AOG could make a tremendous amount of money for USMA. (I'm talking about a Stephen Covey type seminar) Please contact me if you are interested; I'd be interested in helping to put it together. 2. A lot of JMOs leave the Army each year & find employment through corporate recruiters (headhunters). As a JMO myself in the early 90's, I was deluged monthly with letters & calls from such headhunters. Why not create and distribute an "AOG recommended" list of corporate recruiters. In return for being placed on the AOG recommended list, require these career placement services to pay an up-front fee and a per graduate placed fee to AOG.

[532]  -can we do any work with the Hotel Thayer to assist grads as we return for a vacation or visit? Do we get a break at the Thayer? -how do we link with AAA? Gift shop-are we duplicating overhead having two shops? (gven the atletic project from AOG (which I know nothing about))

[533]  same

[534]  same

[535]  Provide a list of grads by location as well as alphabetically.

[536]  I think grads should get a discount on the items in the AOG catalog or at the gift shops. The prices are too high.

[537]  There are lots of things WP can do. Please refer to some of my statements in 15, 16, 17, and 19 above. Not enough is being done to enhance the well being of our grads and to help our grads help USMA. By providing a wide range of

[538]  Get after the Reserve Commission Law passed by Congress. We're going to lose a lot of leaders if they have to stick around to see if they can qualify.A lot of money is spent to train Graduates the people who passed this law would love to shut down all the service academies and the country will suffer if they suceed!!

[539]  Job Placement Service Support to hospitalized,or in-need grads and families

[540]  publish and sell e-mail and USPS address books

[541]  I did not find your career transistion/ job search program very helpful.

[542]  None other than those already mentioned.

[543]  More interaction with the cadets may be beneficial, but I am unable to assess this from my vantage point.

[544]  Provide or assist in obtaining information of businesses owned by graduates, or the positions of graduates in business. I would much rather support a graduate-owned business or deal with a graduate--I know that I'll be dealing with someone I can trust.

[545]  Financial and estate planning services. Low cost extended health insurance for later years.

[546]  Anything that serves the Army, the Academy, and the country....I come last.

[547]  See # 14 please.

[548]  I recommend the AOG take on some worthwhile cause for support/sponsorship. I am suggesting something like the USMC and its Toys for Tots relationship. Lots of AOG members have the time, energy, money, and motivation to do something really great for our country, our society, or our Army. It would be a wonderful gesture from those who serve and want to continue serving....yet who also have so much to be thankful for.

[549]  Greater support in publicizing West Point. Other alumni associations that I am aware of are much more involved in promoting their institutions. I deal with prospective candidates on a weekly basis, and in Texas, Tennessee, and North Carolina (where I have done volunteer admissions work), Air Force and Navy are better known than West Point.

[550]  Become more active in minority recruiting

[551]  Not sure if it is an AOG issue, but some of the qualified graduates could do a great number of us a major service by helping provide unbiased information about health care issues. CHAMPUS Supplements, MEDICARE transition, and supplements, etc. This is one of the areas of most concern to me for the future and where I would most likely trust fellow graduates for sound advice.

[552]  Frankly, I was not aware of all the services available. I'd appreciate an annual listing of such services. What's the effective useage by all members as a percentage. If less than 10% use the services, perhaps it should be dropped.

[553]  Nothing other than my earlier comments--a strong core mission built around lobbying with peripheral services built around nicities that many graduates feel are essential --or they would not e exist now.

[554]  Reunion planning/assistance

[555]  Increase emphasis on employment opportunities among graduates

[556]  provide active duty graduates with second opinion analysis (poop) on Army personnel policies, board results, and career options that is independent of an official agenda.

[557]  See answer to item #16

[558]  a. See my comments above

[559]  a. See my comments above

[560]  Political lobbying thru a PAC.

[561]  See 17 above

[562]  Take positions on emerging issues, such as RA commissions.

[563]  Don't need AOG significantly, personnally.

[564]  See comment for goals above.

[565]  Assistance should be offered for 2nd careers and for other graduates. Also Career placement service should be available for graduates who are not commissioned.

[566]  Post the SARBID on the Internet instead of charging for it.

[567]  Develop project which sets forth the accomplishments, both military and civilian, of Graduates in servioce to the country

[568]  Only as mentioned on networing above.

Next Question