January 2003 Newsletter

West Point Parents' Club of Greater St. Louis


President Report

The holidays have come and gone for yet another year.  Our family extends best wishes to each and all along with our hopes that 2003 will be a great year.


We had seven cadets and their families in attendance at the All Service Academies Ball held at the Marriot Downtown Hotel on 12/27/02.  We feasted on tenderloin and chicken breast and then danced till midnight.  A good time was had by all and most cadets and midshipmen went home with an attendance prize.  As always, our cadets were the best looking in their dress uniforms.


Our club's next meeting is scheduled for Sunday 02/23/03 from 10:00am to 1:30pm at the Scott Air Force Base Officer's Club in the Twining Room.  We will be hosted by Captain Kimberly Boehm, USAF, who is a relative of the Burris family.  Thanks for their involvement and help.  The brunch offered by the Officer's Club is as extensive and delicious as any could be and the cost of $12 is a bargain. Election of officers for the 2003-2004 year will take place.


Plan now to attend as a special events pass for entry on the base needs to be arranged for.  If there is even a slight chance that you may be coming, you must provide your name as it appears on your photo I.D. to me or Gail by February 2, 2003.  You can e-mail (zdazinskystl@hotmail.com) or call (314-863-8202) me with this information.  If you don't use the pass it will not be a big deal and you can pay for the brunch on the meeting date if you like.  Also, upon entry to the base you will need photo I.D. for everyone in your vehicle, your car registration and proof of vehicle insurance.  This is Standard Operating Procedure for most military bases and especially since 9-11.


We look forward to seeing you soon.  Best wishes and good health to your families.


In Service,

Chip & Peggy Zdazinsky


Nominations for Officers

February is our month to vote on new officers. We have received the following nominations:

  • David Howald for President, he is currently our President Elect.
  • Gay Eskew for President Elect, she is currently our Treasurer.
  • Pam Sanfilippo for Secretary, she recently took over for Secretary.


  • NO ONE for Treasurer. Please come up with some suggestions by the Academy Ball.



February 2003 Meeting

                Where:                   At Scott Air Force Base, Officer’s club in the Twining Room

                When:                    February 23, 2003

                Register by:           February 2, 2003

                Cost:                       $12.00 per person

                Food Service:        Buffet style

                Amount:                You can’t eat enough

                Bring:                     Photo ID for all in your vehicle

                Map:                       I64 & Illinois 158