West Point Parents' Club of Greater Kansas City




Welcome to the West Point Parents' Club of Greater Kansas City's website!

Our club is composed of parents and guardians of our area's West Point cadets. The club's purpose is to provide support and information to our parents and cadets. We also coordinate with the West Point Admissions Office and West Point Society of Kansas City to provide accurate information about West Point to prospective candidates and their families from our area.

Our web site provides information about our club and our cadets in one convenient location. It also provides (or will provide soon, we hope!) links to other frequently-used West Point sites.

Our club has five meetings a year in the months of January, April, June, September and November.  Minutes of the previous meeting as well as information for the next meeting are sent out about two weeks before the meetings. We are a non-profit club and are supported by membership dues and raffles. In addition to our Newsletter, we also publish our Membership Roster, Plebe Parent Handbook and our Parent Handbook.

We also host our annual All Service Academies & Military Colleges Holiday Ball during the Christmas holidays every year.

We hope you enjoy our site!




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Web Site by: Cathy Barnes