The Sourcebook for West Point Parents

Published by The Parents Club of West Point

The Sourcebook is a "security blanket" to which cadet parents will hold on through the whole West Point experience. The book is a guide through the four years, Plebe - Yearling - Cow - Firstie, with information, advice, and hints. Sections about cadet life, transportation, hotels/motels, football games, etc. will answer most of the questions cadet parents might have. If the answer to a question cannot be found in the book, references to websites or other pertinent sources are provided. The information has been compiled over six years by parents and other individuals with knowledge about life at West Point. The book is not an official publication of the United States Military Academy but an indispensable collection of information no cadet parent should be without.

Please print this page and detach the Order Form below and mail with your check payable to The Parents Club of West Point to:

Elisabeth Curshen
11 Hillview Terrace
Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452

If you have a question about the order, please call 201-444-5498 or contact me via e-mail at



Cost: $15.00 per book + $5.00 for shipping and handling/per book

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________


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Shipping ......... @$5.00 per book

$ ...................

Total Order

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