
Links to Pages belonging to Descendants:

    Note:  To see the memorial web site, click on the name of the Descendant that created the site.  Sites are listed in alphabetical order of the last name of the Descendant. 

Created By:            In Honor of:            Relationship:

John Steven Boone        John K. Johnson                        Father

Andrew, Geoff,              Chaplain Earl Ray Brewster     Grandfather {external link}

and Jennifer Brewster

Nancy Tinley Brown     Charles D. Tinley                       Father {external link}

Robert Cowan               James "Hank" Cowan               Father {external link}

Leslie Emond                Paul Fred Whitacre                   Great Grandfather {external link}

Heather Head                Pierce L. Wardlow                    Great Uncle {external link}

Stephanie Hess              Joseph Benedict Dunne            Grandfather {external link}

Dave Ishmael                Weston D. Balfour                     Uncle

Richard Lafleur            Joseph Verbis Lafleur                Uncle {external link}

John B Lewis                John Llewellyn Lewis                Father

Kathryn Lucas              Allen Godfrey Jones                   Father {external link}

Nancy Matthews           James Noel Cooper                    Father {external link}

Abel Ortega, Jr.             Abel Ortega                                Father {external link}

Sue Trout                       Frankie Lewey                           Mother {external link}

Bob Whitecotton           Norace Whitecotton                   Father