Around the Westward Campus

The signature Saguaro Sunset characterized the signage
outside the Bookstore & Hospitality suite.


Sharon and Roger Connor in the hospitality suite. Roger is saying to Sharon
something like, "... but chirpy bird, we'll be LATE!"


Shoppers Janice Buterbaugh (back to camera) and Jeanne Rhinehart
discuss WWII books with store manager, Barb Kelly.


Nick and Darlene Mott in the bookstore with Darlene's incredible albums.


The infamous hot tubbers:  Kathy LeComte Lupton and Gerry Morenski (front); 
Joan Marlowe, Bill Chiodo, Rondy Elliott, Gail Eisenhauer (rear).


The spectacular AWON Quilt by AWON Quiltress Judi Kramer (at the mike).
Bonnie Hellums and an unidentfied member hold up the quilt.


Conference goers outside the Bookstore/Hospitality suite
smoking cigars, hanging out, and having fun.


Nancy Heath Lawson and Helen Heath Vernon
with Sherman Lawson and Glen Vernon.


Conference co chair, Penny LeGrand, and Jan, our intrepid
conference coordinator at the Westward Look. Thanks to both of you
for doing so much to make our conference a success!!  

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Photos are thanks to Janice Buterbaugh, Pat Rathje, Dianne Bacynski,
Steve Hoffman and Darlene Mott.