Saturday, August 14 , 2010
Spirit of '45 Event

Millie Cavenaugh celebrates with the best . . . a World War II Veteran.


A Times Square reproduction of "Unconditional Surrender," the well-known
photograph by Alfred Eisenstaedt, taken on August 14, 1945, the day the war was over.


AWON Board President, Ed Peters, speaks to the Times Square crowd at the "Spirit of '45" event,
acknowledging the passing of the bill to permamently remember this day every year, and
crediting Warren and Ryan Hegg for their huge part in this accomplishment. Thanks
from all of AWON for helping to bring this remembrance to a permanent calendar home.


WWII Vets are interviewed about how they felt the day the war was over.


Other Vets are sometimes the interviewers.


Some came with their family and friends.


Some came alone.


They all remember.


. . . As we remember our Fathers . . .


. . . and our Uncles, Brothers, and Grandfathers.


We remember them and speak their names.


Millie and Jim Cavanaugh agree . . . it was a satisfying time in New York.


Our Man of WWII didn't do so badly himself.

Thanks for your service to all of us.


To go back to the Main Times Square Page, Click Here!

Photos are with many thanks to Pete Devonshire,
lawyer by day, photographer by night, a patriot always.