Memorial Day 2015 at Epinal

The wreath laying at Epinal American Cemetery
is in the Vosges Mountains of France.


Ceremonies at Epinal were held on Sunday, May 24th, at 11AM. The service was well attended by local officials, both military and civilian. Participating were a U.S. Color Guard, a U.S. military Chaplain, a U.S. Air Force Brigadier General, a French band with a small detachment of French soldiers, and a large crowd attending in respect of those Americans who lost their lives during the war.

The Epinal Wreath and Banners remember 42 men by name.


The wreath presenters included Roland Prieur, retired Superintendent of Epinal American,
Nicolas Liegey in the center, and Jérôme Leclerc, secretary of the association of
l'Espace de Memoire Lorraine 1939-45.


In Their Memory

Thanks to Cal Boardman, Epinal American Stateside Coordinator for the arrangements,
and to Roland Prieur for the information and photos.