February 20 , 2012
Plano, Texas

Jerry Pinkerton, Judy Pinkerton, Penny Walker, Howard Walker, Patty Temte, Jerry Temte

Patty and Jerry Temte with Jerry and Judy Pinkerton met Howard and Penny Walker of Clearwater,
Kansas in Plano, Texas for dinner. Howard and Jerry Pinkerton's fathers were both lost on Mindanao,
so, they had a lot to discuss. Howard and Penny have put together a beautiful scrapbook of his father's
mementos. Patty reports many teary moments, but also lots of laughs. For the upcoming Memorial Day,
Patty is organizing another trip to the Philippines, where her father is memorialized.

The Photo is by our Macaroni Grill waiter, with submission thanks to Patty Temte.