August 17 , 2010
Windward Palms, Boynton Beach

Sam Tannenbaum spoke to a group of seniors including several World War II veterans on the Spirit of '45 Day. Sam ended his presentation by saying that Private Henry Tannenbaum's great granddaughter Jayna (13 months old, living in Brooklyn, NY) and Jim Schlitz's great granddaughter Mira (10 months, living in Luxembourg) have a date to meet in Ottre. Belgium on August 15, 2045 to keep the Spirit of '45 alive. Jim Schlitz is the man who found Tony Vaccaro, the soldier who took the famous photo of Sam's Dad dead in the snow during the Battle of the Bulge. The audience laughed and cried.  

Center is Mayor José Rodriguez, and, on the Mayor's right, is a representative of
Congressman Ted Deutch. On the mayor's left are Sam and Rachel Tannenbaum.
Others are staff members of Vitas Hospice Care.

For more on Tony Vacarro and the famous photo of Sam's Father, Click Here!

The Photo was thanks to a Vistas staff member with photo submission
and information thanks to Sam Tannenbaum.