Welcome to the Class of 2000 listserv

What is a listserver??? A listserver is a computer program which manages Email for a group of folks with a common interest. In our case this interest is the West Point Class of 2000. Functionally, the program maintains a list of subscribers and reflects back to the entire list any message sent to it by any single member. Our list has been set up as a 'closed' list which means it must recognize your sending address as a member before it will execute the distribution.

First things first! Before you can be accepted as family on our listserv, you have to subscribe to our list. The list is open to all class of '00 members. You have to pass through my approval gateway to insure you're not a party crasher. Here's how you do it:

Go to back to the class website, and select the button that says "SUBSCRIBE NOW". fill out the information, and I will receive it. I'll approve of your subscription, providing you are a class memeber, and you will receive an introductory letter.

It's that simple!

K. Davis, USMA 2000