USMA 1985 - For Excellence We Strive (NEWS)   Personal Annoucement  

From: Karson Snyder <>
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2004
Subject: 85ers on Reserve LTC List

Hello Again!!

(I'm sure you're getting sick of seeing my name on these posts....)
Good news on the Reserve front -- several easily recognizable '85 names on the 19 FEB 04 LTC list. List will be posted soon to this site, but you can go to Reserve LTC List site for now and open the Word document that contains it.

Some notable names include the Chemists' Chemist Ray Lipscomb, Rotorhead Mike Pasco, that Special guy Kevin Berry, Police Woman Jackie Baptiste, and treadhead Darryl Woolfolk. Also noted are John Abruscato, Meg Roosma, and Cal DeWitt. Not sure if the Mike Foley and John Duguay are ours or not (not sure if they are RC at the moment), but its a good bet.

If you see a name on the list, let me know and I will bold it when I post the one linked to our site.

N A V Y !!!


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