USMA 1951


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  • War Memorial pics

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  • President - COL Andrew C. Remson Jr. USA (Retired)
    Secretary - LTC John B. Lewis USA (Retired)
    Treasurer - Mr. William T. Barnett
    Scribe/Historian - LTC George Meighen USA (Retired)
    Class Rep to WPAOG & USMA - GEN Bill Richardson USA (Retired)
    Rep for Class widows - Mrs. Marie Foss


    Click here to go to the official class page

       "June 5, 1951, the once dreamed of day which was to reward us for the four hard years of effort was here. We stood our last reveille in anything we could find. With mixed feelings of relief, regret, anticipation, and with pride we marched to the Field House. This was the real thing: no more watching and waiting. The speeches and music made us feel the finality of this occasion. The diplomas and commissions were ours at last. We listened to the Long Corps, heard the word 'dismissed' and threw our caps in the air. One career had ended with its joys, sorrows and hard work-- a new career lay ahead of us. We had taken our places in the 'Long Grey Line' and the gold bars were ours. 'Our short time' was through." - The Howitzer, 1951

    Time it was
    And what a time it was,
    It was
    A time of innocence;
    A time of confidences.

    Long ago
    It must be;
    I have a photograph.
    Preserve your memories,
    They're all that's left you.

    Bookends -Paul Simon

     Reunion Committee

     This was our schedule of events

    (these are large, and take time to download)

    page 1
    page 2

    page 1
    page 2

    Things have changed - page 1
    Things have changed - page 2

    Those who will attend - pg.1
    Those who will attend - pg.2

    The Class of 1951 served America well

    Korean War Veterans Memorial

    Korean War Project

    West Point Vietnam War Dead

    The Vietnam Veterans War Memorial Wall Page


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