Listserv Information

Salutations, all you Neptoids!

You water polo fanatics are now on line with your own Listserver. This means there is a server down in Austin TX listining for all messages sent to this address:

When messages are received the server bounces this message out to all those signed up on the list. Try sending a message now to see how it works.

We need to get all our supporters siged up on this. YOU can sign a friend up by sending the following message to <>.

The subject line will be ignored by the server, it's best not to have a signature after the message. Just confuses majordomo. Check out the help file in the welcome messages for details of how the Listserver works. The above will get you started.

OK, guys, here's your Christmas bicycle! See if you can ride it!

Reprint from Jack Price '64 message, Tue, 14 Nov 1995, "WATERPOLO"