What is a Threatcon?

Army Regulation 525-13

Threatcon describes progressive levels of security measures to protect against terrorist threat.

Threatcon Alpha:

This level applies when there is a general threat of possible threat activity against personnel and/or installations, the nature of which is unpredictable and circumstances do not justify full implementation of Threatcon Bravo measures. However, it may be necessary to implement certain measures from higher threatcons as the result of intelligence information or as a deterrent.

Threatcon Bravo:

Implementation applies when an increased or more predictable threat exists. Commanders must be capable of maintaining the measures of this threatcon for several weeks without causing hardship for personnel, substantially affecting operational capabilities or aggravating relations with local authorities and members of the local civilian community.

Threatcon Charlie:

This level applies when an incident occurs or intelligence indicates some form of threat action against personnel and/or facilities is imminent. Implementation of Threatcon Charlie measures for more than short periods will probably create hardships for personnel and affect the peacetime activities of units and personnel.

Threatcon Delta:

Implementation applies in the immediate area where a threat attack has occurred or when intelligence information indicates terrorist actions against a specific location is likely. Threatcon Delta normally occurs for limited periods of time over specific, localized areas. Commanders cannot sustain Threatcon Delta for extended periods without causing significant hardships for personnel and substantial reductions in capability to perform normal peacetime missions.


Personnel should be aware that the term "Terrorist Force Protection Condition" will now replace "Threat Condition," commonly known as "Threatcon."

The name change, though, does not change the meaning: It still refers to the Department of Defense standardized system of preventive actions and responses to terrorist threats against U.S. personnel and facilities.

DOD directed the change this month to preclude confusion caused by the similarity between the operational term "threatcon" and the intelligence term "threat level." Threat level describes the presence or potential for terrorist activity in a given area.